927 Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world

Head: CATWA HEAD Bento
Eyes:CATWA Mesh Eyes with Euphoric catwa eye applier
Eyelashes: Euphoric
Hairbase: little bones. Portia @ Collabor88
Hairbase: SIIX
Cardigan: Blueberry – Cutieberry
Bra: Blueberry – Angelberry – RARE @ The Epiphany
Jean: Blueberry – Melanie
Shoes: [Juju] Jada Suede @ UBER
Bag: ILLMATIC // Timless Justina Tote
Necklace: Bens Beauty – Arden Necklace – Hud Driven
Glasses: Rebel Gal :: Clear Square Glasses. EXCLUSIVE @ The Epiphany
Phone: REIGN.- Rcelly- GRAFFITI PHONE CASE @ The Epiphany